Cub Scout Pack 1150 Cypress, Texas
Charter Organization: American Legion Post 324
Supporting Schools: Sheridan, Brosnahan , Emery, and McFee Elementary schools.
District: Red Wolf -
Area Council: Sam Houston -
About Pack 1150
Who: Cub Scout Pack 1150 is a BSA Cub Scout Pack in the Red Wolf District of the Sam Houston Area Counsel
What: Cub Scouts is a program for boys and girls, kindergarten to 5th grade. It is where youth can develop the foundations for leadership, citizenship, and personal fitness through fun activities involving parents and legal guardians. Watch this Video "What Is Cub Scouts?"
When: We meet weekly during the school year on Wednesdays at 7PM. We also have summer events as well.
Where: Richard & Meg Weekley Community Center
Why: Provide a quality scouting program where boys, girls and their parents can grow together and learn core skills that will shape their lives and others.
Richard & Meg Weekley Community Center
Between West Rd and Longenbough Rd.
Important Message to Parents
Parents we ask that you please take time and read this with your child as part of the Bobcat Rank requirements. Bobcat is the very first rank your scout will earn. It is critical that we all take steps to create and maintain a safe environment for all who participate in Scouts. That involves understanding personal boundaries and knowing what appropriate behaviors are in Scouting. Research indicates one of the best deterrents against child abuse is an open and continuous conversation between parents and their children. The following information is offered to help your family establish and maintain a safe environment where you can prevent your child or another child from being abused.
Our Leadership is required to take a similar course each year often referred to as YPT or Youth Protection Training.
Annual Health and Medical Forms
Click the link below, fill out the web form and print to a printer or PDF. Bring this to the next meeting. Thanks!
Ready to sign up?
Sign Up Your Child:
Click the Youth/Adult - Sign Up button below.
Create a my.scouting account
On the Youth button click START
Become a Registered Adult Leader: NOTE: Parents do not have to be registered to help but must take YPT
Talk to a current leader (Cubmaster, Pack trainer, Committee Chair, Den Leader)
Discuss open positions and which role would best fit your talents and comfort level
Complete YPT and other required training online - 1: Go to 2: login 3: Click the badge on the right side "Begins With Youth Protection" Your application will not get approved until YPT training is complete!
Click the Youth/Adult - Sign Up button below.
Create a my.scouting account
On the Adult Volunteers button click START
Complete the Adult Application and Background Check
Once approved you will get an invite to log into Scout Book and confirm your new position.